This adaptor plate allows you to fit the Porsche Cayenne 78mm throttle body to your V6 Busso engine. The Cayenne throttle bodies can be bought for a fraction of the more traditionally used F360 throttle body and is still ‘plug and play’
The parts number you need to look out for on the Cayenne part is – 0280750114 and 94860611503
The adaptor’s internal bore is parallel sided as I assume you will modify the plenium’s inlet to go from 72mm to 78mm diametre. This is easily done using a rotary burr tool. George Soropos’s photo shows the adaptor after he ported and polished the plenium’s inlet
The kit comprises of the adaptor plate, two gaskets and the 4 fixing screws need
Price is one set of parts as shown in the main photo